01372 700026 info@nuatraining.co.uk

Nua Sales Competency Framework

At Nua Training, we have developed our own, unique competency framework to initially assess, and then measure the ongoing performance development of sales teams.

To input into the overall team assessment, each team member completes a confidential questionnaire, which looks at five of the following competency areas:

  • Leadership
  • Sales capabilities
  • Performance measures
  • Stakeholder management
  • Wellness

What the Nua Sales Competency Framework provides…

This assessment provides an initial data analysis of the functioning of the team, at an individual and a group level. which is then used as an input into the scoping meeting to agree the focus of the training and coaching activity. This analysis may reinforce current requirements and also highlight additional gaps.

Nua Sales Competency Analysis

Want to find out more about how Nua Training can help you fast track your management skills? Call us on 01372 700026 or send an email to info@nuatraining.co.uk.